The first week in March my lovely sister, Stephanie and her husband, Wayne came to visit us, I got leave from work to spend the week with them in Groblersdal with my parents. The first weekend was quite a busy one, on Saturday we organised a surprise baby shower for Stephanie. Ducky is due 27 June, and we are so very excited for a new family member, a little boy this time, the first one!
Stephanie on the left and on the right Heleen and Katinka.
The whole baby shower was blue and yellow and ducky themed.
Heleen and her boyfriend Mario was in Canada a while back and they bought Ducky that adorable vest (at the top right) with the maple leaves on.
Stephanie didn’t suspect anything, we bought her a pedicure at the spa where they we held the baby shower, when her pedicure was finished we told her we all wanted to have cake and tea, and that’s when we walked into the room filled with family and friends.
That Sunday was my dad’s 60th birthday, we held it at Safari Lodge, it’s a buffet restaurant and bar, and the whole family joined for the wonderful day.
My Mom and Dad
At the top is my dad and the other men at his birthday all sitting outside with a magnificent view
Wayne, me, Stephanie and Katinka at the tables
My beautiful sister, Stephanie and I at the pool
Stephanie and Katinka, it became a habit over the week for Katinka to fall asleep in Stephanie’s arms, and the other photos is Stephanie and Katinka at the pool.
My beautiful sisters and I.
Over the week we went to various places around and in Groblersdal, we went to visit my uncle and aunt on the farm and also went for a ride on my uncles farm watching his wild animals, we saw buffalos, impalas and a few other things. We also went to Mbidi Lodge a few kilometres out of Groblersdal where we saw a snake show and White Lions.
Animals on my uncle’s farm
The last was taken at Mbidi Lodge
The visit was over way to soon, and I really wished Stephanie and Wayne could’ve stayed a while longer… But it really was a wonderful week, I had tons of fun!
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