Thursday, August 25, 2011

what? why? who? uh…

I recently came across two very insightful and amazing posts that got me thinking. Why am I blogging? What am I blogging about? Who’s more important on my blog? But first, check out this post over at Little Chief Honeybee & this one on Busy Bee Lauren.

Did you read them? Kay good, then I can explain…

Both of these posts got me thinking, why did I really start blogging and believe me when I say, I did sometimes worry about how many followers I got going here on my blog (not many, that is, but those of you who do follow me, it’s dearly appreciated and I love having you here and I appreciate every single comment), but in fact that’s not important (I’m not saying that my followers aren’t important, without you it would be pretty dull around here), what’s Important is that I do what I love and what I want, my blog has nothing to do with what other people want it to be, and I’m scared of becoming a fake blogger, that the ME in my blog gets lost. In fact, I don’t care about who likes my blog and who doesn’t, I don’t care because I’m doing this for me, to post about what inspires me, what I like and capturing my life, to read through this one day and see how much I’d grown over the years and how much I’ve changed. It’s awesome being able to share these things with friends and followers and who ever likes what I’m doing here, maybe I’ll be able to help a few people in some situations maybe even inspire someone. It’s my space to share my millions of photos that I’m passionate about and hope that it’s not just me who like them? ;) hiehie!

The point about this post is, to remind myself that I want to be myself and do what I like, that I’ll be silly sometimes and sometimes I’ll think about deleting a post just because I’m embarrassed about it later on, sometimes I’ll have nothing about my life to blog about, (like the past few months, because I was in hibernation-mode, it’s winter, and I can honestly say, I don’t do much wintertime accept watch tons of series and drinking tons of coffee, always in my pj’s and always in bed), but I’ll keep it real. This sentence from Busy Bee Lauren is exactly what I want to portray on my blog: “When you open up this blog, you will see me. Not something carefully sculpted and fabricated into the person I want you to see. This blog is me.” I made the decision today to do my own thing, to use inspiration only gained from other bloggers and use my own creativity on my blog and be honest with myself and with you, to share the good as well as the bad. To be everything I can and want to be. If for whatever reason I loose track of this thought this post will remind me and hopefully one of you out there too.

There will be times I will talk only about the good & great things in my life, just because it’s easier than to talk about things that’s awful, and I like to keep positive, I don’t like to dwell on the negative. But I’ll share my ups and downs, because I’m a real person and I’m not perfect and I don’t want to be. I like being just who I am, and I hope that what I’m portraying in my blog will inspire you and I hope that you can accept my blog for what it is. I’m not going to edit or change any of what I wrote today, because I want to keep this as real as possible, it’s a bit hear and there but it’s straight from my thoughts and I want to keep it that way… I created my blog to seek friendship and build my self-esteem through sharing who I am with wonderful people. I’ll always appreciate and be grateful for my followers, and I’ll try my best to be there to show my support to you as well. My blog is not for self gain, and I would love to have you all here to share and inspire other people out there. Hope to see you all still here after many years and apart of who I am and apart of my blog…


StephSwan said...

this is so awesome my sis! i feel EXACTLY the same as you. my blog is there for ME to go back years from now and read what i did & how i felt on certain days and laugh about the way i said things or how silly i was with other things!
my ONLY problem is that i have TOO many ideas and can't seem to pin them down...
i love you and thank you for reminding me what I want to achieve on my blog! xx

Courtney B said...

Dido to this post!! But I believe that you are an honest and REAL girl...your readers totally get that through your posts :)