Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Life lately according to my phone Photos

These photos are mostly from my weekend in Groblersdal with Marius & Johann at the Jugomaro Predator Park.

1. Marius and Johann (at Marius’s home)
2. Johann and I (at Marius’s home)
3. Johann with baby wolf (at Jugomaro Predator Park)
4. Joahnn and I (at Marius’s home)
5. Caracal at Jugomaro Predator Park
6. 6 month old White Tiger at Jugomaro having a snack
7. Baby Tiger licked Johann’s hair, he likes the taste of hair-gel apparently, part of his hair sticks to his forehead – where baby tiger licked.
8. On our way back to Marius’s home, trees filled with oranges
9. Marius’s cat
10. Marius and I (at Marius’s home)